By daniel ochoa


Am I really in good standing with God?

Author Daniel G. Ochoa challenges you to consider your readiness for Christ’s return and the possibility of facing him after death. Through a careful examination of biblical passages, Daniel delves into the essence of being a true follower of Christ, raising essential questions: Do we truly understand the implications of following Christ?Are we prepared to make the necessary commitments to align our lives with His teachings?A thought-provoking wake-up call, this book urges you to delve into scriptural evidence, gain a deeper understanding of your role in this pivotal time, and embrace the genuine commitment to follow Christ.


Daniel Ochoa

Daniel Ochoa’s life took a significant turn in his early thirties. For the first three decades, he believed in a God that he had constructed in his head to rationalize his life style, assuming that this belief alone made him in good standing with God. He also believed that God was much like Santa Clause, if he never commits a heinous offense that would make headline news, he would remain in good standing. However, when he encountered the true God of the Bible, everything changed.


We’ve known Daniel for over 30 years! He’s a godly man who, as long as we’ve known him, has a passion for sharing the gospel of Christ and a love for The Lord, a love for God’s word, and a love for other people. He has a true gift for befriending and engaging others. We are excited and are looking forward to reading his book! We are grateful to The Lord that Daniel is willing to share what God has taught him through the Word and through the struggles of life.
-Sam and Mary Downing-

Mary and Sam Downing

Time Is Running Out!

I have never seen someone walk so close with God and him writing this book is proof of my uncle’s faithfulness and commitment to the Lord. I can’t wait to read it!

Daniel K

Counting down the days until this book is in my hands!

I was asked by Daniel to preview a rough draft of Chapter 1 and I was immediately intrigued and excited. Wishing there was a Chapter 2, I found myself wanting to read more. I’m looking forward to the book in its entirety and the truths it will reveal!

Melissa K.


I have known Daniel for over 15 years and know him to be a true man of God. Congratulations on your book. I am thrilled for you and look forward to reading it!

Megen Posey

Can’t wait for October

I’ve known and served in ministry with Daniel for 20 years. He has a remarkable ability to interact with individuals from all walks of life and faiths and engage them about their beliefs without causing offense. I’ve known him to be a loving servant, friend and brother and I can’t wait to purchase and read what the Spirit has revealed to him through His Word and his life. Congratulations dear brother!

Mark Cory

Daniel is an amazing man of Faith and Wisdom!

I have had the pleasure of knowing Daniel for over 20 years. He is an incredible teacher and has an immense dedication to God’s Word! He teaches through an honest, intelligent, and realistic view of how all our lives are burdened and the challenges we face. Daniel touches so many hearts. His book is much needed for us all!

Kyle Drake

Looking forward to reading

I’ve known Daniel for almost 25 years! He’s always been such a great friend and had tremendous patience with me and my questions about the Bible and scripture. I look forward to reading this.

Lety G

Retired Pastor

I’ve know Daniel for almost 30 years. I’ve watched him develop over the years into a man who genuinely loves Jesus and His Word. He not only loves Jesus but has a passion to share the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done for us with others. Additionally, he has a heart felt desire to share the fact that Jesus is coming again and we must be ready to face Him as our Judge.

Buck Oliphant


I have known Daniel for over 13 years and am thrilled to learn he has written this book. He is truly a “man of God” and has a heart for the lost.

Richard Hare

Daniel’s Passion for the lord is infectious

I am excited to read his book. God puts folks in our lives that spark something and I do believe God put Daniel in this world to be a spark.

Misty Hoskins


I’m Daniel’s former pastor and have known him for nearly 20 years. His passion for reaching people with the good news is contagious. He wants the whole world to share the excitement he has with regard to his relationship with God. He is a winsome story-teller and I am looking forward to reading his book.

Carter Sanger

You have definitely caught my curiosity

After reading “About the Book” section, you have definitely caught my curiosity. I cannot wait to see how you use scripture to show that we our generation destined to witness the return of Christ.

Michael Wilson

Congratulations Daniel!

Congratulations Daniel! I can’t wait to read this book, I know you have been working on it for years.

Michelle Cooper
Strong Testimonials form submission spinner.

Meet Daniel


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Interview with Nelson Walters

The most common and alarming end time misconception isn’t whether the rapture is pretrib or post-trib, although that gets most

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Can Believers Know the Timing of Jesus’ Return?

The issue of Jesus' return is often surrounded by controversy within Christian discussions. A significant majority, approximately 99% of Christians, maintain the belief that not only is the timing of His return unknown, but it is also intended to remain unknowable....

The Wisdom in Philippians

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:...

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